Deep Learning Indaba is an annual meeting which invites members of the African machine learning and artificial Intelligence community for a week-long event of teaching, research, exchange and debate around state of art in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Deep Learning IndabaX, which the African Deep Learning Indaba supports, is a locally organized indaba (i.e., gathering) with an aim to increase awareness, knowledge and capacity-building efforts in data science and analytics (including data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence) in individual countries across Africa.
The IndabaX Benin Republic conference 2022 is a 3-day program organized by IndabaX Benin Republic. The 2022 conference which is a hybrid of physical and virtual attendance has an anticipated audience of about 150 participants, comprising professionals from the academia and the industry, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and AI enthusiasts. The Benin Republic IndabaX 2022 will expose attendees of the conference to state-of-the-art machine learning methods and hands on coding of data analysis, visualization, modelling, and model deployment experience.
The Benin Republic IndabaX conference is scheduled to hold from the 19th to 21st October, 2022. The Physical venue of the conference will be at the University of Abomey Calavi.